This is roughly a film along the lines of "Minority Report" by Steven Speilberg. This John Woo movie is also based on seeing the future and planning for it, etc. So, for those who do not want to or like to use their memory in watching movies, this may not be the one for you.
Ben Affleck stars in this movie in the lead role and he is an Engineer who performs his tasks to perfection and is offered a highly confidential project, in which he would have to give up 3 years of his life in exchange for a huge "paycheck". The catch is, his memory after completion of the project will be erased for all the 3 years he has been on this project. Affleck agrees and completes the project but is fooled. The rest of the movie deals with why he gave up the huge sum of money and some clues he gave himself to get something bigger.
What's new?
The movie, unlike Minority Report has clues that solve a jigsaw puzzle for someone who does not remember the past, but can somehow predict the future and has things with him from his past, which help him get out of sticky situations in his present. If you are already confused, stop reading and go watch the movie! ;-)
Some good clues and concepts.
This will be a nice movie for someone who likes to read mystery book. It falls short of the Minority Report. Overall I rate this movie above average for its concept.. but just about average for execution.
Monday, February 14, 2005 at 1:02 PM