Dear Readers,
I have watched Anniyan, but am delaying my review of this movie to do justice to the film makers and to allow you guys some time to go and watch this movie in the theaters. I am willing to give you a peek into my feelings about this movie by recommending that you go watch this movie! It's definately worth taking a look at, not just for the amount of money that was spent, but also for the difference it makes to Tamil Cinema.
Also, I wanted some feedback about the format of the reviews on this website. Do you guys find it effective? How do you recommend I change the format to make it better? Do you think the format is universally applicable? How do you like this template? Please do convey your feedback as comments to this post. All good suggestions will be credited and applied from the Anniyan post onwards.
Thanks and keep reading!
Monday, June 20, 2005 at 10:39 AM